Children and Young People

For our young people, we have a committed and enthusiastic team of volunteers involved throughout the year, offering a wide range of fun and exciting opportunities to learn about the gospel and to discover Jesus for themselves.  There are a variety of weekly meetings to get together, discuss and chat as well as away days, weekend camps, sometimes even an overseas trip or an opportunity to attend a Junior Alpha course. 

All our volunteers participating in regulated work with our young people have PVG membership through Disclosure Scotland. 



Whatever age your child or young person is, we’d love to welcome them on Sunday mornings. We hope that you will feel comfortable and welcome, and enjoy worshipping with us. On a Sunday morning, we are looking for ways to include those of every age group in our services, encouraging the children and young people to engage in worship in ways that are most helpful to them. 

Pre-school children: there is space during the service in the discipleship corner at the back of the sanctuary or in the Upper Room (where the service is relayed on speakers for parents/carers.) The discipleship corner at the back of the sanctuary has also become the perfect place for babies in prams to have a sleep or to have a bit of floor space to play while allowing parents/carers to stay within the congregation. There are toddler toys available in both spaces.

Junior Church (Nursery & Primary age children ) meets at the start of the service in the upper room of the church. They are there throughout the service, enjoying a range of games, Bible stories, games etc, coming downstairs to join the congregation for the final part of the service.

Those of Secondary School age are invited to join the congregation at the start of the worship and can either stay throughout the service or enjoy the activities in the upstairs area of the balcony.

Crossfire (P7+) meet in the Church Centre on Sunday evenings from 6.00-7.30pm during term-time. 

Messy Church (a family-friendly way of being church) meets monthly in Orwell Church, 4-6pm. Come along for crafts, activities, stories, music and celebration.



Stepping Stones (for babies, toddlers and their parents/carers) meet weekly on Tuesdays 10-11.30am in the church during term-time. Drop in for some fun and a chat.

Friday evenings, the 1st Kinross Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association (P1 to senior secondary and 16+) meet starting at 6pm in our Church Centre on the High Street. For more information, contact Capt William Constable directly or via the church office.  

We have strong local links with KYTHE (an organisation providing Christian youth work in Kinross-shire based in premises linked to the Health Centre) and also with Scripture Union. 


Family Week 

A highlight of our youth work is the annual Family Week, held at the beginning of August. A week of fun, excitement, activities, outings and learning more about Jesus culminates with a family barbecue on the Friday evening.  Don’t miss it and look out for further special events planned throughout the year for children, young people and their families.