Choir Practice
Choir Practice in the Church at 9.15am please. New members always welcome.
Sunday Service In-Person & Online
10.30am Morning Worship. Activities for Children during the service. Tea, Coffee & Fairtrade Stall afterwards.
8 December: Micah 7:14-20 and Isaiah 52:7-10 – The Critics
15 December: Luke 1:76-79 – Our Peers
22 December: Luke 1:46-55 – The Expectant. Nativity Service
29 December: Service of Readings and Carols
Crossfire Youth Group
Youth Group meets in the Church Centre during term- time.
Sunday Evening Prayer Online
Every Sunday evening at 6pm there is an opportunity to gather with others to pray via Zoom (online or by telephone).
Silent Meditation
On the first Monday of the month at 8am there is a time of guided meditation in the Church.
Church Office Open
Church Office Opening Times
Office Coordinator usual work hours 8.30am to 1.30pm weekdays apart from Wednesday
The Office is open to visitors Monday and Friday 10am to 12noon
If contacting the Church Office on 01577 862570 please wait for approximately 14 rings for the answerphone to click in and please remember to leave your name and contact number as well as your message
Bridge Afternoon
Weekly Bridge Afternoon
Board Games Afternoon
This is an opportunity to play Scrabble, Rummikub and other board games. Everyone is welcome, whether or not they have played these games before. Now weekly.
Adult Dungeons & Dragons
Adult Dungeons and Dragons in the Church.
Monday Evening House Group
New members always welcome.
Contact the Church Office for further information.
Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones for Under-5s with their parents & carers. There will be a chance to chat with other parents and we look forward to seeing anyone who would like to come along.
Tuesday Afternoon House Group
Tuesday afternoon House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Kirk Session Council
In the Upper Room at the Church at 7.30pm.
Midweek Service in the Church Centre
4 December - Midweek Service in the Church Centre led by David Hill
Craft Group
Craft Group in the Church. New members welcome.
Contact the Church Office for details.
Men's Wednesday House Group
In the church.
Wednesday Women's House Group
New members always welcome. Contact Church Office for details.
Thursday Morning House Group
Thursday Morning House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Table Talk on Zoom
Chat about anything & everything! Zoom link is available on the Saturday email. Contact the Church Office for further information.
Young Mum's House Group on Zoom
Contact Church Office for information.
Church Office Open
Church Office Opening Times
Office Coordinator usual work hours 8.30am to 1.30pm weekdays apart from Wednesday
The Office is open to visitors Monday and Friday 10am to 12noon
If contacting the Church Office on 01577 862570 please wait for approximately 14 rings for the answerphone to click in and please remember to leave your name and contact number as well as your message
Youth Dungeons and Dragons
5.30pm - 7.30pm: Youth Dungeons and Dragons in the Church.
1st Kinross Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association
6.00-7.15pm: Anchor Section (P1,2 and 3)
7.00-9.00pm: Junior Section (P4,5 and 6)
7.00-9.30pm: Company Section (P7-S3)
7.00-9.30pm: Senior Section: (S4,5 and 6)
For girls and boys - please come along and give it a try.
Flower Group Coffee Morning
Flower Group Coffee Morning: Saturday, 7th December Church Centre from 9.30am till 12.30pm.
Serving teas, coffee and home-baking. Local makers Katy’s Crafts, Goosetown Pottery, The Aromatic Box, the Church Craft Group and Fairtrade will be there. About Thyme will be selling wreaths, £5 from each sale goes directly to Church funds. Pre-order from a member of the flower group now. All welcome.
Messy Church in Orwell Church, Milnathort
4.00-6.00pm: Messy Church at Orwell Church for all ages.
Choir Practice
Choir Practice in the Church at 9.15am please. New members always welcome.
Sunday Service In-Person & Online
10.30am Morning Worship. Activities for Children during the service. Tea, Coffee & Fairtrade Stall afterwards.
8 December: Micah 7:14-20 and Isaiah 52:7-10 – The Critics
15 December: Luke 1:76-79 – Our Peers
22 December: Luke 1:46-55 – The Expectant. Nativity Service
29 December: Service of Readings and Carols
"Let's Sing!"
Start gathering from 2.30pm ready to begin singing at 3pm
Let’s Sing is for all who love singing. We enjoy a cuppa, chat and singing some familiar songs.
We particularly encourage anyone with dementia and their carers to come along. If you enjoy singing and good company Let’s Sing is for you!
Crossfire Youth Group
Youth Group meets in the Church Centre during term- time.
Sunday Evening Prayer Online
Every Sunday evening at 6pm there is an opportunity to gather with others to pray via Zoom (online or by telephone).
Church Office Open
Church Office Opening Times
Office Coordinator usual work hours 8.30am to 1.30pm weekdays apart from Wednesday
The Office is open to visitors Monday and Friday 10am to 12noon
If contacting the Church Office on 01577 862570 please wait for approximately 14 rings for the answerphone to click in and please remember to leave your name and contact number as well as your message
Bridge Afternoon
Weekly Bridge Afternoon
Board Games Afternoon
This is an opportunity to play Scrabble, Rummikub and other board games. Everyone is welcome, whether or not they have played these games before. Now weekly.
Monday Evening House Group
New members always welcome.
Contact the Church Office for further information.
Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones for Under-5s with their parents & carers. There will be a chance to chat with other parents and we look forward to seeing anyone who would like to come along.
Tuesday Afternoon House Group
Tuesday afternoon House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Midweek Service in the Church Centre
4 December - Midweek Service in the Church Centre led by David Hill
Craft Group
Craft Group in the Church. New members welcome.
Contact the Church Office for details.
Men's Wednesday House Group
In the church.
Wednesday Women's House Group
New members always welcome. Contact Church Office for details.
Thursday Morning House Group
Thursday Morning House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Table Talk on Zoom
Chat about anything & everything! Zoom link is available on the Saturday email. Contact the Church Office for further information.
Young Mum's House Group on Zoom
Contact Church Office for information.
Church Office Open
Church Office Opening Times
Office Coordinator usual work hours 8.30am to 1.30pm weekdays apart from Wednesday
The Office is open to visitors Monday and Friday 10am to 12noon
If contacting the Church Office on 01577 862570 please wait for approximately 14 rings for the answerphone to click in and please remember to leave your name and contact number as well as your message
1st Kinross Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association
6.00-7.15pm: Anchor Section (P1,2 and 3)
7.00-9.00pm: Junior Section (P4,5 and 6)
7.00-9.30pm: Company Section (P7-S3)
7.00-9.30pm: Senior Section: (S4,5 and 6)
For girls and boys - please come along and give it a try.
Choir Practice
Choir Practice in the Church at 9.15am please. New members always welcome.
Sunday Service In-Person & Online
10.30am Morning Worship. Activities for Children during the service. Tea, Coffee & Fairtrade Stall afterwards.
8 December: Micah 7:14-20 and Isaiah 52:7-10 – The Critics
15 December: Luke 1:76-79 – Our Peers
22 December: Luke 1:46-55 – The Expectant. Nativity Service
29 December: Service of Readings and Carols
Sunday Evening Prayer Online
Every Sunday evening at 6pm there is an opportunity to gather with others to pray via Zoom (online or by telephone).
Sunday @ 7
A short, informal service of contemporary worship and bite-sized Bible teaching. Everyone is very welcome.
Church Office Open
Church Office Opening Times
Office Coordinator usual work hours 8.30am to 1.30pm weekdays apart from Wednesday
The Office is open to visitors Monday and Friday 10am to 12noon
If contacting the Church Office on 01577 862570 please wait for approximately 14 rings for the answerphone to click in and please remember to leave your name and contact number as well as your message
Bridge Afternoon
Weekly Bridge Afternoon
Board Games Afternoon
This is an opportunity to play Scrabble, Rummikub and other board games. Everyone is welcome, whether or not they have played these games before. Now weekly.
Tuesday Afternoon House Group
Tuesday afternoon House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Midweek Service in the Church Centre
4 December - Midweek Service in the Church Centre led by David Hill
Table Talk (in person)
Table Talk will meet in person for the last meeting of the year on Thursday, 19 December at
10.30am-12 noon. We will have tea/coffee, and some festive goodies. We will also have a singalong of
some carols and Christmas songs, accompanied by Margaret. All are welcome. We then resume on
Thursday, 9 January at 11am on Zoom.
Compline at 9pm
On the third Thursday of the month you are invited to pause before bed for the late evening monastic prayer service of Compline at 9pm. This takes place in the Church Sanctuary.
Church Office Open
Church Office Opening Times
Office Coordinator usual work hours 8.30am to 1.30pm weekdays apart from Wednesday
The Office is open to visitors Monday and Friday 10am to 12noon
If contacting the Church Office on 01577 862570 please wait for approximately 14 rings for the answerphone to click in and please remember to leave your name and contact number as well as your message
1st Kinross Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association
6.00-7.15pm: Anchor Section (P1,2 and 3)
7.00-9.00pm: Junior Section (P4,5 and 6)
7.00-9.30pm: Company Section (P7-S3)
7.00-9.30pm: Senior Section: (S4,5 and 6)
For girls and boys - please come along and give it a try.
Choir Practice
Choir Practice in the Church at 9.15am please. New members always welcome.
Sunday Service In-Person & Online
10.30am Morning Worship. Activities for Children during the service. Tea, Coffee & Fairtrade Stall afterwards.
8 December: Micah 7:14-20 and Isaiah 52:7-10 – The Critics
15 December: Luke 1:76-79 – Our Peers
22 December: Luke 1:46-55 – The Expectant. Nativity Service
29 December: Service of Readings and Carols
Sunday Evening Prayer Online
Every Sunday evening at 6pm there is an opportunity to gather with others to pray via Zoom (online or by telephone).
Crib Service for all the Family 4.30pm
An informal service for all the family. All ages welcome.
Watchnight Service 11.15pm
Sorry, we don't have any further information for this event at present.
Christmas Day Service
A short informal service for all the family on Christmas Day.
Christmas Lunch at the Church Centre
Will you or someone you know be on their own on Christmas Day? If so, why not join us in the Church Centre for Christmas lunch and entertainment. Lunch is served from 12 noon and transport can be provided if necessary. Free of charge, however donations are welcome. For further information or to book a place call or text Richard 07999 510500 or call Nan at the Kinross Centre 01577 863869.
Sunday Service In-Person & Online
10.30am Morning Worship. Activities for Children during the service. Tea, Coffee & Fairtrade Stall afterwards.
8 December: Micah 7:14-20 and Isaiah 52:7-10 – The Critics
15 December: Luke 1:76-79 – Our Peers
22 December: Luke 1:46-55 – The Expectant. Nativity Service
29 December: Service of Readings and Carols
Sunday Evening Prayer Online
Every Sunday evening at 6pm there is an opportunity to gather with others to pray via Zoom (online or by telephone).