Kinross-shire Parish Church
The new Kinross-shire Parish Church meet together for the first time for worship and communion in Fossoway Church. Read the Minister's Message for more information and exhortation as we go forward in faith.
The new Kinross-shire Parish Church meet together for the first time for worship and communion in Fossoway Church. Read the Minister's Message for more information and exhortation as we go forward in faith.
We believe in a God that hears and answers prayer. Why not print this page and use it this week? Sunday 9th: Pray for all those who have a part to play in preparation for Sunday worship – circulating intimations, supplying and arranging flowers, preparing the building, giving a welcome,…
We believe in a God that hears and answers prayer. Why not print this page and use it this week? Sunday 2nd February: Seek God's blessing upon all who play a part in Sunday's service and ask that God may be honoured in our worship and in every aspect…
Dear Friends, We had half a story last week; Jesus announced to the synagogue in Nazareth that the words of the prophet Isaiah, with its promise of good news, had been fulfilled. The question to be answered on Sunday is what happened next? How did the people respond to Jesus’…
Sunday@7 Sunday 9 February 2025 from 7pm to 8pm Kinross Church, KY13 8TG A short, informal service of contemporary worship and bite-sized Bible teaching. Everyone is very welcome Other dates: 23 February, 9 and 23 March, 27 April, 11 and 25 May, 8…
Around 85 people from across the Parish dropped in to Praying in the Parish, spending time at each of the 7 prayer stations (including Youth, The Persecuted Church, Wider World, The Parish, Personal Prayer & Reflection). Kinross Church was open from 7am - 7pm on Saturday 25 January with a short…
Dear Friends, As you receive this weekly email on Saturday morning I want to encourage you to join your prayers today with those of others in committing the work of our now united parish to God for the year ahead. The church will be open between 7am and 7pm today. …
We believe in a God that hears and answers prayer. Why not print this page and use it this week? Sunday 26th: Ask God to help all those involved in leading worship this morning at Fossoway, Kinross and Orwell this morning, at Portmoak this afternoon and at Sunday@7 this evening, that…