Kinross Parish Church
10 Station Road
KY13 8TG
How to get here
The church is situated on the left hand side of the main road as you come off the motorway. There is a small carpark up the church lane just before the church with limited blue badge parking spaces on the lane itself. Please be considerate of our neighbours and traffic movement if using on-street parking.
Bicycle stands are available in the church grounds.
How to contact us – contact details here
Church office: 01577 862570
The church office is currently open Mondays & Fridays (10am–12 noon), operately remotely on other days.
Leadership Team
Rev Alan D Reid
Associate Minister
Rev Austin Weeks
Ordained Local Minister
Rev Margaret Michie
Session Clerk
Jaffrey Weir
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
The Church has often been associated with life celebrations, and the Church of Scotland (as the National Church) seeks to offer opportunities to mark these not only to those who are involved in the life of the local church but also to the wider community.
There are no fees for the services of the minister, who is supported by the offerings of the congregation to serve the whole parish. For services held in the church building (outwith regular Sunday services) there are fees to defray the costs of heating and cleaning and for musicians or others who may be giving technical support.
Details of current fees are available from the church office. These may be waived at the discretion of the minister so please don’t let financial difficulties hold anyone back from getting in touch with us.
To find out more information about a baptism or blessing, wedding or funeral follow the links and then contact us to start a conversation as to how we may best serve you.
Booking the Church or the Church Centre
We have a range of rooms and facilities available for hire (for one-off events or regular bookings).