Minister’s Message for Sunday 5 May 2024

04 May 2024

Dear Friends,

This coming Thursday is Ascension Day, one of the least familiar holy days in the church's calendar, the 40th day after Easter. On it we celebrate that the risen Jesus was taken up into heaven where, as the Letter to the Hebrews put it, “He ever lives to pray for us.” (Heb.7:25) In recent years a movement (known as 'Thy Kingdom Come') has been growing globally in which the ten days between Ascension and Pentecost are set apart for prayer that the people around you may come to know God for themselves through Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit. The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has encouraged us to take part in these days of prayer, so may I ask you toconsider a number of people that you could pray for each day – perhaps just two or three, perhaps five or six, perhaps ten or twelve – and join the ascended Lord Jesus in interceding for them at this time that they may find new life. You could set an alarm on your phone for a suitable time each day (perhaps when you pause for a tea break or a meal or at the beginning or end of the day) and take five minutes to name them before God, that the blessings of God's Kingdom may break in to their life. What good things will God accomplish through our prayers in these days? Let's push the door and see!

Let me also encourage you to come along to a Missionary Evening in the Church on Friday 10th May at 7pm when Ida and Keith Waddell will be speaking about their work in Zambia.

Finally, please remember in your prayers those who have been recently bereaved. The funeral of Joseph (Joe) Dair of Broom Road will take place in the church this Wednesday 8th May at 11am. The funeral of Margaret Finlayson, formerly of Lomond Mews and a once active member of the congregation, will take place the following week on Wednesday 15th May at 11am.



Rev. A.D. Reid