Prayer Points for Week Commencing 1 September 2024
We believe in a God that hears and answers prayer.
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Sunday, 1st September: Pray for Alex Johnson as he begins with us today as Probationer Minister, that he may quickly find his feet and be a blessing among us as a congregation.
Monday, 2nd: Pray for High School Assemblies each morning this week in which Alan Reid and Alex Johnson will be leading Time for Reflection. Pray also for the meeting of the Kirk Session this evening.
Tuesday, 3rd: Remember those involved in Stepping Stones this morning and the Guild this evening and pray that God's Kingdom will be advanced through both.
Wednesday, 4th: Continue to pray for peace in situations of conflict in Ukraine and in the Middle East and pray that Christ's peace will reign in the hearts of individuals in every corner of the world, including our own community and nation.
Thursday, 5th: Pray that our Stewardship Focus on 'Living Generously' will enable us all to review our attitudes and our actions as we seek to honour God with our lives.
Friday, 6th: Remember the work of the Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association as the new session gets underway and pray that it will play a significant part in the lives of young people.
Saturday, 7th: Pray today for those who are in prison for their faith in Christ in many parts of the world and ask God to bring encouragement and fruitfulness to those who are struggling.